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Vintage Records Foundation

Help, inspire, educate

Foundation statute



VINTAGE RECORDS FOUNDATION, hereinafter referred to as the Foundation, was established by a notarial deed of March 26, 2018. Repertory A 1796/2018 and operates pursuant to the Act of April 6, 1984. on foundations (Journal of Laws No. 40, item 97, as amended) and on the basis of these statutes.




1.  The Foundation was established for an indefinite period.

2.  The seat of the Foundation is Porażyn.

3. The Foundation operates in the territory of the Republic of Poland. To the extent necessary for the implementation of its statutory objectives, the Foundation may operate outside the territory of the Republic of Poland.

4. The Foundation may establish branches, plants, branches, as well as join companies,         foundation

5. The Foundation is a non-governmental organization that conducts public benefit activities  the meaning of the Act on Public Benefit Activity.

6. The Foundation conducts socially useful activities in the sphere of public tasks specified in the Act on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work, this activity is the sole statutory activity of the Foundation.

7. The statutory activity of the Foundation may be conducted as free or paid activity within the meaning of the provisions of the Act on Public Benefit Activity.

8. The forms of activity conducted by the Foundation, including in the field of statutory activities: both unpaid and paid public benefit activities, will be accounted for separately to the extent that allows for the determination of revenues, costs, results of each  from these activities, taking into account the provisions on accounting.

9. The Foundation does not operate in order to make a profit; the generated income will be allocated to the implementation of statutory objectives.

10.  The Foundation uses  a seal with the name and seat of the Foundation.

11.  The Foundation may use a graphic symbol that distinguishes it.

12. The Foundation may establish titles, orders, medals and badges of honor and award them along with other awards and distinctions to natural and legal persons and organizational units without legal personality merited for the purposes chosen by the Foundation or for the Foundation itself,

13.  Supervision over the Foundation is exercised by the minister responsible for culture.




The goals of the Foundation are:

1.   Increasing public access to music created by independent artists

2.   Improving the conditions for the creation and production standards of music created by independent artists

3.   Disseminating knowledge about music and artists

4.   Disseminating knowledge about music production

5.   Supporting the upbringing and education of children and youth in the field of music

6.   Equalizing the chances of access to music for people at risk of exclusion, in particular due to the place of residence, income level, education level, health or family situation,

7.   Providing broadly understood help to music creators whose health and living situation threatens their health and / or life,

8.   Promoting and shaping musical sensitivity among children and schoolchildren.

9.   Nursing, promoting and supporting education, science, culture and art as well as physical culture, upbringing and sport, as well as pro-development activities,

10.  Supporting the activities of non-governmental organizations and entities mentioned in art. 3 sec. 3 of the Act on Public Benefit Activity within the scope specified in Art. 4 sec. 1 items 1-32 of this Act,

11.  Supporting individuals in collecting funds for charity,

12.  Supporting all socially useful initiatives organized by individuals and non-governmental organizations,

13.  Maintaining and popularizing the national tradition, cultivating Polishness and developing national, civic and cultural awareness,

14.  Promotion of the Republic of Poland abroad


Changing the Foundation's goals is allowed in the manner indicated in the content of & 14 of the Statute.




The Foundation achieves its goals by conducting free and paid public benefit activities, i.e. in particular in the field of:

1.   Substantive, organizational and material support for independent artists

2.   Organizing competitions, music festivals, music, sports and recreational events

3.   Organization of workshops and training

4.   Production and publication of music recordings

5.   Production and publication of video recordings

6.   Promotion of independent artists in traditional and electronic media

7.   Organizing social campaigns promoting music and independent artists and  education, science, culture and art, physical culture, upbringing and sport, as well as pro-development activities

8.   Organizing training courses on topics related to the Foundation's activities,

9.   Material and non-material aid for schools, educational institutions and centers operating in the area of the Foundation's activities,

10.  Cooperation with educational institutions,

11.  Conducting and supporting educational, information and training activities in accordance with the activities of the Foundation,

12.  Consulting in the field of music creation and production

13.  Conducting auctions, lotteries and public collections in accordance with applicable regulations,

14.  Financial, material and non-material assistance for natural persons

The detailed scope of paid and unpaid public benefit activities carried out by the Foundation is specified in a resolution of the Foundation's Management Board

In order to achieve its goals, the Foundation may support the activities of natural persons and legal persons as well as organizational units without legal personality consistent with its objectives.






To the competences of the Founder  belongs:

1. Appointing and dismissing members of the Management Board.

2. Approving annual reports on the Foundation's activities and reports submitted by the Foundation to the competent authorities.

3. Approval of the Foundation's annual financial statements.

4. Making decisions on the discharge for the Management Board,

5. In the event of the death of one of the Founders, resolutions may be passed in the form of an independent resolution of one Founder.







The governing body of the foundation is the Foundation's Management Board


1. The Management Board consists of  from 1 to 3 people, including the President, Vice-President, appointed for an indefinite period and recalled under the Founder's declaration. The Founder's declaration also determines the function in the Management Board performed by a given person                                                                                                             The Management Board may also include the Founder's representatives,

2. The President of the Management Board manages the work of the Foundation's Management Board and performs the function of the head of the workplace in relation to employees and other members of the Foundation's Management Board, provided that an employment contract has been concluded with them.

3. Persons convicted by a final judgment for an intentional crime prosecuted by public indictment or a fiscal offense, as well as persons who were deprived of the right to conduct business activity on their own account and act as a supervisory board member, representative or an attorney in a commercial company, state enterprise, cooperative, foundation or association.

4. Members of the Management Board may remain in employment with the Foundation.

5. The Management Board meets as needed, but not less frequently than once a quarter.

6. Meetings of the Management Board are convened and chaired by the President of the Management Board,

7. The Management Board makes decisions in the form of resolutions by a simple majority of votes,

8. Written voting or using means of direct remote communication is allowed.

9. Resolutions of the Management Board are signed by the President of the Management Board or a Member of the Management Board authorized by him.

10. Minutes are made of the course of the meetings of the Management Board,

11. In the case of a multi-person Management Board, each member of the Management Board is entitled to represent the Foundation individually.




1. The powers of the Management Board include:

and)  representing the Foundation outside,

b)  managing the Foundation's assets,

c)  making decisions on changes to the goals and Statute of the Foundation,

d)  managing the Foundation's day-to-day activities in the field of its statutory goals,

e)  keeping lists of donors,

f)  deciding on the allocation of accumulated funds,

g) keeping the Foundation's accounts in accordance with applicable regulations,

h)  preparation and submission of annual activity reports to the Founder

The management board,

and)  preparation of the Foundation's annual financial statements,

j)   preparation of plans and programs for the Foundation's activities,

k)   raising funds for statutory activities,

l)   creating separate funds for individual tasks,

w)  determining the size of employment, rules of remuneration and the amount of funds for

remuneration and awards for employees of the Foundation,

m) other matters not reserved for other bodies of the Foundation,

n)  making decisions on the liquidation of the Foundation and the allocation of the assets of the liquidated Foundation,

about)  making decisions on the merger of the Foundation with another foundation,

p) expressing consent to the creation, transformation or liquidation of organizational units of the Foundation.




1.  Membership in the Foundation's bodies ceases as a result of:

and)  dismissal of a member of the bodies by the Founder,

b)  loss of full legal capacity by a member of the authorities,

c)   death of a member of the organ,

d)  resignation of a member of the body,

e)  appointment to another body of the Foundation.

2.  A member of the Foundation's body submits his resignation to the Founder. The provisions on termination of the order by the person accepting the order shall apply accordingly to the resignation.







1. The assets of the Foundation are the initial capital in the amount of PLN 2,500.00 (in words: two thousand five hundred zlotys) and financial resources, real estate and movables acquired by the Foundation in the course of its operation.

2. The entire income obtained by the Foundation is allocated exclusively to its statutory activities.




1. The income of the Foundation increasing its assets are also:

a) donations, inheritance, bequests,

b) subsidies, subsidies,

c) bank interest and income from the Foundation's assets,

d) income from collections and public events,

e) income from the sale of advertising materials, from the organization of paid events

f) income from property rights.

g) income from other activities - not mentioned above, but aimed at achieving the goals

statutory Foundation




1. The Foundation's income increases the Foundation's assets and may be used for the implementation of all statutory goals, and in the case of donations, inheritances, bequests and subsidies - unless the donors have stipulated otherwise.

2. Acceptance of a donation or inheritance by the Foundation may not cause the Foundation to take over debts exceeding the value of the donation or inheritance.






1. The fiscal year of the Foundation is the calendar year.

2. Annual financial statements of the Foundation are submitted by the Management Board of the Foundation to the Founder for approval by April 30 of the year following the financial year.

3. The founder approves the financial statement of the Foundation within 6 months from the date of submission,

4. The Foundation has the right to accumulate its funds in Polish currency and in foreign currencies on bank accounts and use them in accordance with the law, if the donation or inheritance to the Foundation was made in such currency.

5. The obligation to prepare, approve and submit the financial statements of the Foundation, as provided for in & 12 (2) and (3) of the Statute, may be excluded on the basis of generally applicable provisions of law, in particular as a result of the adoption of a simplified settlement procedure for the Foundation.




1. It is forbidden to:

a) granting loans or securing liabilities with the Foundation's assets in relation to

members of the Foundation's bodies or employees as well as persons with whom the employees

are married or in a relationship of kinship or affinity

in a straight line, relationship or affinity in the collateral line to the second degree

or are related to adoption, care or guardianship, hereinafter referred to as "persons

loved ones ",

b) transferring the assets of the Foundation to members of the Foundation's bodies or employees

and their relatives, on terms other than in relation to third parties, in particular if the transfer is free of charge or on preferential basis


c) use of the Foundation's assets for the benefit of members of the Foundation's bodies or

employees and their relatives on terms other than in relation to people

third, unless this use results directly from the statutory purpose


d) purchase on special terms of goods or services from entities in which

members of the Foundation's bodies or employees and their relatives participate.







Changes to the Foundation's goals and changes to the Foundation's Statute are made by the Management Board of the Foundation by a simple majority of votes.









The Foundation may be a member of foreign and international organizations with a similar goal of operation under the conditions set out in their statutes, provided this does not violate the provisions of this statute, legal regulations or international agreements.




The funds remaining after the liquidation of the Foundation are allocated to another social organization pursuing goals similar to those contained in this statute.




Porażyn, March 28, 2018                                Founders

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